Thursday, 17 May 2012

Teeth Brushing - Most people are doing it wrong

According to dental experts, there is most definitely a right way and a wrong way to go about brushing your teeth.  Whilst studies have shown that the message about dental health is getting through, most people do brush regularly, there is still much room for improvement.

The right way to brush:

  • You should avoid using water to rinse after brushing
  • Make sure that you use a suitable toothpaste.  Dentists suggest that toothpastes with more fluoride are better for people who have a lot of cavities.
  • Make sure that you replace your toothbrush regularly. Most people don't realise that the bristles absorb germs so it is important to get a new brush after you have had a cold.
  • You should brush your teeth after you have had your breakfast in the morning.
  • To help prevent bad breath, you can also brush your tongue.
One Hamilton dentist suggests that people are happy to brush their teeth twice a day and that society's norms and parental influence play a big part in this. Another big factor is that people enjoy the confidence that a fresh mouth can bring. However, studies show that the prevention of decay often comes low on the list of priorities when people are asked why they brush.

Brushing your teeth effectively is one of the best ways to prevent cavities and decay and will help to keep your teeth healthy for longer.